You have clicked on a link that could have been malicious...

... if it wasn't for the AFKL phishing campaign

What should have caught your attention?

External email address
(≠ /

The suspiciousness of the link
(redirect to an unknown website)

The urgency of the message
(It urges you to act quickly)

Wording of the message
(misspell, grammatical error)

But what is phishing exactly?

Sending fake emails to encourage the recipient to click on a link or open an attachment. The objective is to activate a malware to infect the computer and steal confidential data. Phishing is the third most common tactic used by cybercriminals.

it doesn't just happen to others"

We believe that a data subject is more likely to adopt good IT security practices.

That's why we have chosen to raise your awareness through an internal phishing campaign.